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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

For my birthday I was promised tickets to see the new Indy film, dubbed in our house Indiana Jones and the longest film title ever. Probably not true, but to the film. It starts well, Indy trapped by the Russians, who have invaded an American airbase in Area 51 (where else). The action starts early, and the chase scenes are good, but the detection of the object being sought with power from a bullet was a little strange. Magnetism is stated as the cause, but I don't recall there being iron in gunpowder. Still suspend your dis-belief and the story works well so far. There are plenty of wise cracks from Indy to remind you that he's now a much older man, and his physical abilities are more limited. I can't fault Harrison Ford for his acting, but then he IS Indiana Jones. Cate Blanchet as the 'baddie' Irina Spalko was impressive, and suitably menacing, but not too menacing. Then 'The Fonz' arrives, well Mutt Williams who turns out to be the real key to the adventure as a whole. Indy and Mutt are the two characters that make the film worth watching. The chase for the crystal skull begins and is soon over. John Hurt is wasted in the role of Ox, he just seems to hold the skull and look vacant, surprised or anxious.

There is a scene with a snake – mandatory now for Indy, but this one has some truly awful special effects, that make the 1930's films look good. However not all the special effects are bad, the ants were done very well, and were probably the scariest thing in the film.

How the adventure was to end was pretty obvious from the time they found their way into the pre-historic 'building'. It could probably have take less time overall and was a slight disappointment. How the film was to end was anything but expected, but even that took too long. “All's well that ends well” seems to be the message. Has Harrison Ford announced his retirement from the role?

Overall the film was worth watching, but I doubt it will be a classic, and for me probably isn't on the DVD list for Christmas.

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