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Monday, August 15, 2022

Review: In the beginning GOD?

ISBN:0 901015 03 2

In the beginning GOD? by David A. Wilkinson

In the Beginning God?: Modern Cosmology and Biblical Creation Today - The Origin of the Universe According to Science and the BibleIn the Beginning God?: Modern Cosmology and Biblical Creation Today - The Origin of the Universe According to Science and the Bible by David A. Wilkinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In his pamphlet style booklet, David covers a good amount of ground for the size of the book. His outlines of the science sound a little dated now - it was published in 1991. As a Christian and a (very) amateur scientist, I found it interesting and helpful. Redshift is explained in a simple way, which is one of the key factors in understanding an expanding universe. His look at the structure of Genesis diagram, quoted from "Genesis Today, E. Lucas" was also useful, and added to my thinking a little.

I have only rated this 4* because of its age, I'm sure there are more up-to-date booklets available now.

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