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Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Bible Makes Sense

The Bible Makes Sense

Walter Brueggemann
Westminster John Knoxx Press
ISBN 0-664-22495-4

“Well of course it does!”, or perhaps you don't agree? This is really a Bible Study work book, but we have it as an assigned text and have been loaned a copy. Each chapter is followed by a series of questions that can be used for reflection or discussion, then some Bible passages for meditation. Following this there is some summary text. The book starts with a fresh perspective which sets the Christian faith against the background of the post modern world that we live in. Through each of the ten chapters we get a different view, or emphasis of the Bible. Some will speak more clearly to you than others. Some you might even disagree with, but that's really what the book is for – making (or should I say helping) us think – about the Bible in our setting. The way I read this book is not ideal, but even so I believe it is a useful resource, and invaluable if you are in a Bible Study group where the members are prepared to do some ground work before the meeting.

I liked it so much, I'm going to buy my own copy!

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