Some of my more detailed reviews - books, films, theatre trips, software etc. I will also post the text of some of my sermons here.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Da Vinci Code - The Film

Just a short review, because I'm well behind with all my work. I have to say that even though I'd read the book and watched some of the 'de-bunking' programs, I still enjoyed the film. The now famous line about needing a library in a hurry works in the context of the film. Dan Browns story is reproduced well, and the sense of urgency throughout is maintained. An enjoyable tale and well worth the visit. Having said that the film and the book suffer from the same problem. The conclusion is easily guessed, from well before the end. There is also a sense that there should somehow be a twist that just isn't there, so right at the end I felt somehow cheated.

Lets remember its a story, a well woven tale, made of various myths and neatly a cleverly stitched together. That's all - just a story. Its not a documentary, or docu-drama, just a story. So why all the fuss. Well the story undermines the Christian Bible - so I can understand people finding it offensive. Jesus did not take Mary as His wife, Mary did not bear Jesus' child, and most certainly did not end her life in France. Jesus did give His life to save mankind from sin and ultimate destruction. Jesus did rise from the dead to 'prove' what He had done. Jesus did ascend into heaven. Now you know where I stand, why all the fuss. Well its just like the Moslems and the cartoons of Allah. Some people just take their life too seriously - relax and learn to laugh at things instead of becoming so up tight. This story is so unlikely to stop anyone coming to faith, but the people who are demonstrating and protesting just possibly might....

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