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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas at the Casino

The office Christmas party was held at the Kursaal, or at least the casino behind the Kursaal. The office was closed early, so I caught a very early bus home. Instead of the students going in, they were all on the bus coming home. Later that evening the bus that had been hired to get us all there arrived, just as the School's Christmas event was starting. Chaos ensued as the sixteen seater bus tried to turn around at the top of the close.

Once the Chelmsford pick-up had occurred the disco lights and music started, and the champagne was distributed. We arrived slightly late on Southend Seafront, and investigated the entrance. Although I was born in the area, I had never been inside the Kursaal. The entrance to the Ten-pin bowling if under the famous dome, so I have finally seen it from the inside. The entrance to the casino is around the back. Outside is all very boring, but inside (where it counts) is very plush.

We dropped off our coats and made our way up to the casino, on the second floor. Introductions all round, as most of us had never met the others wives. Unfortunately two of our number couldn't come due to illness, and we are hoping they are both better soon. Then it was off to the restaurant to eat. The food was well presented and nicely server. The tables are far enough apart that serving doesn't require reaching across the tables. The restaurant was almost empty when we arrived, as was the gaming floor. By the time we had finished it had filled up, and was very busy. The MD made a little speech - I suppose he thought he had to.

Then to the games. Some of our number knew what they were doing. I did not, and spent a little time watching the roulette. I decided I did not really understand what was happening. Some people were obviously using a pattern and doing reasonably well. One man was gambling with £100 chips on three table, but seemed to only be betting on black or red. He seemed to do quite well too. I was not the only one watching, others too found it fascinating but did not get as far as taking part. Jo did not take any part, but remained in conversation with some of the other wives. The casino had put up the minimum prices because it was in the Christmas season. £5 for one game of black jack seems expensive. Two games would last less than 10 minutes, and for £10 you could see a film, which may last for two hours. Having said that, of course, this was a much better experience than my last visit to a cinema.

At mid-night the bus was waiting for us. It took a while to find everyone and make our way back home. We were first off the bus and said good bye to the others. It was an enjoyable night, probably something I won't do again, but a good experience to have. The problem for me is that I get no buzz from gambling at all. I'm always too aware that the house is making a profit, which means I MUST be making a loss - in the long run.

In terms of the 25 things, visiting a casino would not have been on the list, but you have to take the opportunities that present themselves.

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