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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Celebrating the second part of our lives

Preached for Easter Day 2020 (12 Apr) for Christ Church, Billericay video service


Most important

Today we celebrate the most important event in the whole of human history – the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We’ve heard a short extract from the story of what happened that day, which we will look at in more detail in a minute.


This event splits history in two. It is common for preachers to say that history is splits by BC and AD, but even if we ignore the religious labelling of the epochs and use the current scientific labelling – B.C.E and C.E. - Before Common Era and Common Era, there is still a split.
The Common Era largely exists because Christians are called to spread their faith across the world, with it they took their scientific understandings, their ways of measuring things, including time, and established some commonality between cultures across the globe. OK, I know there are lots of other elements in that, but it started with the one event – the resurrection.

2000 years on – Story still going

How many other events in history can you think of that are still being celebrated, still being remembered and whose story is still being told 2000 years later?
The Bible is still the best selling book of all time, it is still the book that has been translated into more different languages than any other. More people have the chance to hear about Jesus than about anyone else.

Jesus – John Lennon

Jesus is the single most important person in human history, not just because he’s best known, although that’s probably true. John Lennon was wrong, he was never more famous than Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the single most important person in history because of who He was – and also because of what he did.


This event, which is always linked to this person, is also the most predicted event of all time, there are over 300 clues in the Old Testament that look forward to Jesus, his death and resurrection.
In terms of accuracy, these predictions are better quality than anything else – think of the ‘predictions’ of Nostradamus, for example.

Personal level

On a personal level, the same things are broadly true – Jesus and His death and resurrection split my life in two – there is a time before I believed, when I was living in my sin and destined to death and judgement (even if I didn’t know or care about that at the time!).
Now, I’m in the second part of my life. I am alive in Christ, and loved by God. My sins are forgiven and I can look froward to avoiding judgement as my sins are already taken care of.

Answer to Prayer

I’m an answer to prayer, I hope you are too.
Perhaps I should explain that. I now know that friends had been praying for me for years before I made my commitment. I assume that is true for most people too, so that makes us an answer to prayer.

What happened

Now that we are part of the story, it’s important for us to know what happened. We heard a little of that this morning – in the Acts reading we heard Peter explaining what happened to Cornelius a Roman Centurion. He gave quite a brief overview. In the New Testament we heard a little of the Apostle John’s account of that first morning. The confusion about where Jesus’ body had gone and the realisation about what had happened.


All the little facts he tells of in the story help us to understand. Finding the grave cloths in separate places (in verses 6 and 7) seem to be what triggered John’s understanding that Jesus had risen.

3 Years with Jesus

At that stage though, even having spent 3 years with Jesus they did not understand that all this was predicted in scripture. Jesus had been telling them repeatedly what was going to happen, and now it had, but it would be a while before they really understood the enormity of it.
If we know this story well we will be able to help others understand, but that alone may not bring them to faith.


For me it wasn’t the resurrection that brought me to Jesus, it was the people who were telling me the story. It is a long time ago now, but I still remember that these young people, the youth group at Christ Church, were different. I didn’t understand the hows or whys, but I wanted to know more, to become like them.
So, it wasn’t the resurrection that brought me to Jesus, it was the effect that the resurrection had already had on others. I imagine that that is true for lots of us.
There is a time and place for the story, it must be told. Here’s my overview:
    Jesus was deserted by his friends.
    He was put to death on a cross.
    There’s no doubt that he really died.
    His body was put in someone else’s tomb.
    When the women came to prepare his body for burial it had gone.
    He appeared to the disciples, he ate with some of them, so he was not a ghost.
    He appeared to many others.
We don’t have to tell the whole story in all its detail, just enough to respond to peoples queries.
Most importantly though is for us to show the new life we have in Jesus openly to other people – as hard as that can be now.
I now know that the difference I saw in those young people was the love of God shining through them. It affected me, and it has been affecting people for at least 2000 years.
So, this morning as we celebrate the resurrection, we are also celebrating the start of the Common Era, when our God is reaching out to every one in the entire world.

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